Tuesday 6 February 2018

(19)/- Remember one thing...

Remember one thing...

* Your the greatest Asset to yourself... Yes,, Because sometimes all valuable items or things are not makes you happy.

* When ever you feel happy with your empty hands then you become a complete happiest person.  

* For example,, I feel like i am the greatest asset to myself,, So i put the price symbol ( /- ) beside my name which is Param(ount)/- .

* In general my name is Paramesh,, My friends call me as Param so i add more letters after Param which is  'ount',, these are optional letters so i kept in '(  )',, The reason for letters ount are, I found my name in most powerful word "Paramount"...

* The 1st five letters are similar to 1st five letters in my name... So i am not change my name,, I just add more letters 'ount'... To represent i am the Brand to my self i put price symbol beside my name ( /- ) which is Param(ount)/-

* Believe that your the only person who makes you happy,, Awesome ,, Handsome and Something else...

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