Sunday 7 October 2018

(21)/- Safety warning to Men and Women...

Safety warning to Men and Women...

*  Nowadays fall in Love and Breakups are like very common... Even 8 to 10 years old children also felt depressed with Breakups.

*  If you think you choose a wrong person and got break up with that person then don't think too much after your decision...

*  And at the same time don't neglect the other person emotions,, You may get bored upon the person but maybe you're the everything to that person...

*  And don't think every second for the person who doesn't think even one second about you,, Don't love too much who can't love you back...

It's waste of time,, Be patient right will you find in the right time...

*  I want you to tell one thing to both Men and Women Women,, Don't trust Handsome or who makes feel you as more beautiful,, Trust one person who will give you a promise to don't leave you till his last day... (Husband)

*  Men,, Love does not get success in most of the times,, We may not get married to who we love  the most but we will definitely love the person who you get married... (Wife)

*  So don't get depressed for love,, It's only a part of our life... Remember your parents and see Raja Rani movie before taking any serious decision...

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Sunday 11 March 2018

(20)/- Your the hidden Soldier in inner war...

The War within Human Brain...

* Every great King has to win his inside man before winning the war. As a human being, our inner feelings place more important role than anything else.

* The only difference between a Legendary person and a common man is he just overcomes his fears. 

* In the same sense Gandhi has faced the army 10 times greater than the British army in his inside the Brian before he started fighting. 

* Sometimes the War in our Brain in more dangerous than World wars,, Because even Hitler was created an end of the world in his Mind before he made World war.

* When I see the Mirror in front of me ' sometimes I saw the greatest man in my life,, Sometimes I saw the most disappointed person in the world '.

* Sometimes I insist me to not thinking to beyond my surroundings but my imagination goes outside the Universe.

* Don't underestimate anyone by out looking he may face more struggle and doing a lot of fighting within him/herself.

* Our Brain is the most powerful and most stupid thing,, It depends on our usage. Never stop fight against yourself because it is the only way to move our life.

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Tuesday 6 February 2018

(19)/- Remember one thing...

Remember one thing...

* Your the greatest Asset to yourself... Yes,, Because sometimes all valuable items or things are not makes you happy.

* When ever you feel happy with your empty hands then you become a complete happiest person.  

* For example,, I feel like i am the greatest asset to myself,, So i put the price symbol ( /- ) beside my name which is Param(ount)/- .

* In general my name is Paramesh,, My friends call me as Param so i add more letters after Param which is  'ount',, these are optional letters so i kept in '(  )',, The reason for letters ount are, I found my name in most powerful word "Paramount"...

* The 1st five letters are similar to 1st five letters in my name... So i am not change my name,, I just add more letters 'ount'... To represent i am the Brand to my self i put price symbol beside my name ( /- ) which is Param(ount)/-

* Believe that your the only person who makes you happy,, Awesome ,, Handsome and Something else...

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Saturday 9 December 2017

(18)/- Are you want to feel like Royal..??

 Are you want to feel like royal..??

* Always love what you have not what you want to have,, A Successful life is great but a Satisfied life is meaningful... 

* It's not mean that don't dream big..,, it means be thankful with what you have.. For example my favorite place is my home town..

* I love my Home town but it's  not have a big shopping malls and high level restaurants. It does't have even good cinema theater also.

* Even though i love my Home town because when i was in B.Tech all my class went to tour to Ooty, Bangalore and Mysore... with cost of Rs.5000/- per head.

* But in that locations not makes me more exiting,, Because it similar to my Home town locations... Then i realize the importance of my Home town.

* All people are plan to long tours,, But only some lucky persons like me are getting that trill without going to that long tours..

* The journey to my Home town Srisailam ( A.P, India ) is like to go long vacations... Love your surroundings... Feel like Royal...

           Here some pics in journey to my Home town..

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Thursday 9 November 2017

(17)/- Knowledge vs Character...

Knowledge vs Character...

* Knowledge and Character both are important  in life,, But character is more important than  Knowledge..

* Because as per the words of great man Bruce lee, "Knowledge will give you Power but  Character Respect..."

* That is absolutely correct,, for example:- Mahatma Gandhi has no power but,, He has great  respect with his character.. 

* In other side Hitler has a great power,, but no respect..

* If you achieve power, You may become a great leader,, But if you achieve respect then you  become a great human...

* Respect is not a one-way,, If you get respect then give respect to others irrespective with their  position,, like another great man Obama...

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Monday 25 September 2017

(16)/- Always Hold your Heart...

Always hold your Heart...

* "Love" is the most Beautiful and Dangerous thing in Life...

* Without love there is no Life.. But we have to notice that which is True Love... In the teenage love is like Oxygen...

* We definitely got the feelings towards opposite gender,, But with how many members...??,, It's not countable... Right??

* In average we fall in love 7 times before getting marriage,, Really love is happens between two people only.. But we change the meaning of Love...   

* Because when we get close to any person which is in opposite gender definitely our thoughts will go towards love.. But it's not love,,  It just a Infatuation...

* So Always Hold your Heart... Because it's leave without our permission...

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(15)/- Defend or Hold the worst situations.. Never take fast decisions...

Defend or Hold the worst situations.. Never take fast decisions...

* Many times in life,, we have to take the Hard times.. It's common for everyone.

* We get best things after that worst situations so,, Be patient in that situations...

* All great persons are definitely pass the worst situations before they become Great... Like founder of KFC,, He gain that position in the age of 88...

* Life is like Cricket, When bad balls are come we must try to defend it... But you don't have patience to defend the ball,, Then definitely you will "OUT"...

* You will get good job, you will get married and all your problems are solved... But it takes some time,, Be patient & don't take fast decision in that time.. you have a great future...

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(21)/- Safety warning to Men and Women...

Safety warning to Men and Women... *  Nowadays fall in Love and Breakups are like very common... Even 8 to 10 years old children   al...