Monday 25 September 2017

(16)/- Always Hold your Heart...

Always hold your Heart...

* "Love" is the most Beautiful and Dangerous thing in Life...

* Without love there is no Life.. But we have to notice that which is True Love... In the teenage love is like Oxygen...

* We definitely got the feelings towards opposite gender,, But with how many members...??,, It's not countable... Right??

* In average we fall in love 7 times before getting marriage,, Really love is happens between two people only.. But we change the meaning of Love...   

* Because when we get close to any person which is in opposite gender definitely our thoughts will go towards love.. But it's not love,,  It just a Infatuation...

* So Always Hold your Heart... Because it's leave without our permission...

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(15)/- Defend or Hold the worst situations.. Never take fast decisions...

Defend or Hold the worst situations.. Never take fast decisions...

* Many times in life,, we have to take the Hard times.. It's common for everyone.

* We get best things after that worst situations so,, Be patient in that situations...

* All great persons are definitely pass the worst situations before they become Great... Like founder of KFC,, He gain that position in the age of 88...

* Life is like Cricket, When bad balls are come we must try to defend it... But you don't have patience to defend the ball,, Then definitely you will "OUT"...

* You will get good job, you will get married and all your problems are solved... But it takes some time,, Be patient & don't take fast decision in that time.. you have a great future...

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(14)/- If you want to Be Different...

Be Different... Enjoy Uniqueness...

14 is my favorite number,, so i hold this content for especially my 14th post...

* Being Different is not like doing Miracle things,, It means you follow your own style in each and every step..

* Being Different is not like Water & Fire,, For Ex:- All my classmates are sit in one room, i want to be different so i sit in other room... it's foolish... Right??

* Assume bunch of white roses and  one red rose among them... Everyone first see the red one only

* Red rose is also a rose like remaining,, But there is a little difference in color.. That little difference makes more Beautiful...

* About me,, in 10 people,, 7 are said to me that i am Different.. 2 are said to me that i am not... remaining 1 person just don't care about me...

* I enjoy the experience of Uniqueness... Let start be  different & create your own Identity...

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Sunday 3 September 2017

(13)/- Looks doesn't matter,, Behavior is...

Looks doesn't Matters,, Behavior is...

* Anyone see your out look in your 1st interaction only...

* After sometime they use to observe your Behavior only,, Not others only it can be done by our  self also..

* So you want to Attract all then concentrate on your Behavior rather than physical appearance...

* Do you know one thing "The Average count of seeing mirror daily of confidant person is 3 or 4 times only...

* So confidant people does't bother about looks at all...

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Saturday 2 September 2017

(12)/- Don't think too much...

Don't think too much...

* Too much in anything is always danger..

* Over thinking will destroy your inner peace,, Breath and Let go...

* We may learn lot from Nature and Animals, if you observe them..

* Lion & Dog both are opposite in nature,, But it's behavior automatically give lessons to us..

* See below examples,, You get definitely Something...

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(21)/- Safety warning to Men and Women...

Safety warning to Men and Women... *  Nowadays fall in Love and Breakups are like very common... Even 8 to 10 years old children   al...