Sunday 7 October 2018

(21)/- Safety warning to Men and Women...

Safety warning to Men and Women...

*  Nowadays fall in Love and Breakups are like very common... Even 8 to 10 years old children also felt depressed with Breakups.

*  If you think you choose a wrong person and got break up with that person then don't think too much after your decision...

*  And at the same time don't neglect the other person emotions,, You may get bored upon the person but maybe you're the everything to that person...

*  And don't think every second for the person who doesn't think even one second about you,, Don't love too much who can't love you back...

It's waste of time,, Be patient right will you find in the right time...

*  I want you to tell one thing to both Men and Women Women,, Don't trust Handsome or who makes feel you as more beautiful,, Trust one person who will give you a promise to don't leave you till his last day... (Husband)

*  Men,, Love does not get success in most of the times,, We may not get married to who we love  the most but we will definitely love the person who you get married... (Wife)

*  So don't get depressed for love,, It's only a part of our life... Remember your parents and see Raja Rani movie before taking any serious decision...

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(21)/- Safety warning to Men and Women...

Safety warning to Men and Women... *  Nowadays fall in Love and Breakups are like very common... Even 8 to 10 years old children   al...