Sunday 27 August 2017

(11)/- Success is great but Satisfaction is important...

Success is great but Satisfaction is important...

* Yes,, There is no value for the success without satisfaction..

* You get more confident when you wear your favorite color dress rather than which is high cost...

* Always do anything for your interest,, The word 'Interest' is make you like a Super Hero...

* Success is measured by others but Satisfaction is measured by your self...

* See below examples...

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(10)/- It Depends on You...

It Depends on You...

* Remember that your the one who Take Responsible for your Happiness, Sadness, Honesty & Angry...

* Once upon a time one great man called GANDHI said that 'No one can bring you down without   your permission'...

* Are you want to work hard or Being Happy,, Then it depends on you rather than situations &  conditions...  

* See below image to improve your confidence...

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(9)/- Attitude Always Matters...

Attitude Always Matters...

* Each person have different Attitude,, Like you..

* You can say 'That person is my inspiration',, But you definitely Don't Think & Behave like           'That person'...  

* We always try to copy others who are get success in their life,, But we don't realize each person  problems & position is different...

* So keep follow your heart & thinking rather than others...

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Saturday 26 August 2017

(8)/- Try to impress yourself not others...

Try to impress yourself not others...

* Yes,, Don't wast your time by impressing others.. It's yours life Enjoy & Live it...

* Live as what you like,, not others...

* If you keep changing for sake of others then you loose yourself....

* Let start think like below...

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Tuesday 22 August 2017

(7)/- Hard work Overcomes Strength...

Hard work Overcomes Strength...

* In general the person who have strength,, will go to shortcuts...

* But truth is hard work beats strength..

* For example,, we know very well about Rabbit & Tortoise Race...

* Rabbit has strength of running,, Then it thinks like shortcut to sleep while in race...

* But Tortoise not give up and keep walking slowly towards finish...

* So it's not a matter whether you have strength (or) talent ect...

* Don't use shortcuts,, Hard work always matters...

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(6)/- Be smart not cunning...

Be smart not cunning...

* Smartness is avoiding the problems...

* Cunning is put others  into problem 

* So be smart not cunning,, you may feel better while you think cunning...

* But while you think cunning it's like to aim this Gun...

* So avoid the problems,, But don't create for others... it like to putting trouble in yourself...

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Monday 21 August 2017

(5)/- Really 24=124...


* You think it's foolish right..??

* But the person who use his/her day with proper planning,,

* That person has equal to have 124 hours in a day which have 24 who is not utilizing  completely... 

* So proper Planning  & Applying is the  best way to achieve  anything...

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Sunday 20 August 2017

(4)/- No one is sent by accident to anyone...

No one is sent by accident to anyone...

* Remember Relationship always important then EGO 

* When nails are grown we cut the nails not our fingers...

* So when you love someone,, Then please don't think he/she should behave like as your wish...

* Because there always a reason anything in our life..

* So don't loose anyone for temporary emotions...

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Saturday 19 August 2017

(3)/- See the other side in problem...

See the other side in problem...

*  Don't wait for the best in anything just concentrate on which are available..because,,

* For example 'Your the best person in world to your family,, Not to others...

* Choose the decision which is suitable and good for your situation only

* Because its better to not care others opinion for your decision...

* This type of thinking is also helpful to the Decision Making...

                     See this video,,

                                         "Let's start thinking other side of the Problem..."

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Friday 18 August 2017

(2)/- I like me so much...

 I like me so much...

* When ever we like us our self then we may see our self into others.

* So we can see only positive points in others...

* Which related to increase our POSITIVE THINKING...


This type of thinking is also helpful to the GOOD DECISION MAKING 

I can give the best example images related the respective edition,, which is created by me only❤

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Thursday 17 August 2017

(1)/- Believe in your self...

Believe in your self...

 * The 1st & Best technique to make good decision is Assume you to as great as possible.

* Because whenever There is no logic to trust you by others,, WHEN YOU DON'T TRUST YOURSELF.
     Great thinks are always done by when you believe yourself as Great...
                                          For example see my editing...which are available in my other        

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(21)/- Safety warning to Men and Women...

Safety warning to Men and Women... *  Nowadays fall in Love and Breakups are like very common... Even 8 to 10 years old children   al...